First Halloween
(Halloween isn't really a thing in Germany. We went with some friends -- Steve and Vera and their girls -- to what is left of the American neighborhood in Bonn. Lots of people there participate, even though most of them aren't Americans nowadays.)

Elliot didn't trick or treat. He got tired of the costume.
This picture was taken as Quentin left the doorway with his first ever Halloween candy. I had to work to convince him to go on to other apartments to get even *more* (he wanted to eat what he had already gotten).
takes after his poppa, tee hee
love granma and granpa
Even though Elliot didn't trick or treat, he was still the cutiest and probably only gerrrrrrafffff there.
course what do granma and granas think?
Happy Birthday, Greg!! Have a lovely day to start into a fabulous new year!
Best wishes, your former pupils Lena and Kirstin
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