11 September 2010

Children should be heard and not seen

(our camera makes excellent photographs, but isn't the best at videos, hence the low visibility)

Quentin's geography lesson 1 (he's looking at his new giant atlas
with Birgit before going to sleep)

Quentin's geography lesson 2

Elliot speaks 1

Elliot speaks 2

and a bonus: Quentin as a trainee firefighter (filmed by Ulrike)

Southbound (Bodensee & more)

lunch with Birgit's cousins in Bühl

Elliot chills on the floor in Bühl

Quentin and Sandra on the ferry from . . .

Friedrichshafen to Insel Mainau

Quentin contemplating, with popsicle on wooden train (2010)

Best. Playground. Evar.

What does Elliot think?

Quentin and chauffeur

Elliot just got his hair did.

04 September 2010

Assorted from Birgit's phone

Ceci n'est pas une banane.

shopping for audiobooks

on vacation (Bodensee)

Elliot und Oma

Cousin Oliver with Grandpa

Germany versus England

Elliot, Charlotte, Quentin (two are about to kiss)

no pictures, please

with Janne

a classic

yesterday in the garden